========================================================================= INFO-ATARI16 Digest Fri, 20 Apr 90 Volume 90 : Issue 463 Today's Topics: 6-chip/2-chip TOS 1.4 Cartridge port extender One world, One CPU, One OS (3 msgs) Severe Dcreate() bug in GEMDOS 0.23 Zoo output to file (Was: Re: EPROM programmer wanted.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 20 Apr 90 00:21:32 GMT From: fernwood!portal!atari!apratt@apple.com (Allan Pratt) Subject: 6-chip/2-chip TOS 1.4 Message-ID: <2157@atari.UUCP> bills@mcrware.UUCP (Bill Sheppard) writes: >I recently purchased the six-chip set of TOS 1.4, but need to install this >in a two-chip machine. I have access to a ROM-burner ... >...(and what EPROM device is the two-chip set made from)? There exists no EPROM with the right pinout for 2-chip Megas. There may not be any such OTP, either. That was a problem when we were building developer releases, etc. You just can't do it. If you have six sockets, you're 90% there. Find the instructions for cutting & jumping to make your 2-chip Mega a 6-chip Mega. Alternatively, you can buy the 2-chip TOS 1.4 set. It's available, and has been for many months. ============================================ Opinions expressed above do not necessarily -- Allan Pratt, Atari Corp. reflect those of Atari Corp. or anyone else. ...ames!atari!apratt ------------------------------ Date: 20 Apr 90 01:19:36 GMT From: mailrus!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!neat.cs.toronto.edu!omicron.cs.fsu.edu!fsu cs.cs.fsu.edu!boyd@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Mickey Boyd) Subject: Cartridge port extender Message-ID: <9004200116.AA18263@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu> In article <3166@umbc3.UMBC.EDU>, chuck@umbc5.umbc.edu () writes: >Would it be possible to extend the cartridge port of the ST so that one could >put cartidges behind the computer or in a separate box? How much interference >would this create? > >Also, does anyone know what Dave Small's UUCP address is? > >Thanks!!! > >Chuck Rickard >University of Maryland >Baltimore County >(chuck@umbc5.umbc.edu) There was talk long ago (from Atari) of releasing an expansion chassis. I presume this would use some sort of ribbon connector, and have switches or something to differentiate between the different cartridges. I have not heard anything about it for a long time, but perhaps some third-party vendor has jumped on the idea (this would be a nice thing to add to Omniswitch). -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------+------------------------------------- Mickey Boyd | "Nobody can be exactly like me. FSU Computer Science | Even I have trouble doing it." Technical Support Group | mail: boyd@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu | - Tallulah Bankhead ---------------------------------+------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 19 Apr 90 11:31:16 GMT From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!samsung!noose.ecn.purdue.edu!newton.physics.purdue.ed u!maxwell.physics.purdue.edu!sho@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Sho Kuwamoto) Subject: One world, One CPU, One OS Message-ID: <3550@newton.physics.purdue.edu> In article <1602@mcrware.UUCP> leeg@mcrware.UUCP (Lee Glenn) writes: >In article <975@stasys.sta.sub.org> fkk@stasys.sta.sub.org (Frank Kaefer) writes: >>demon@desire.wright.edu writes: >>Summary: Have you tried OS9 ? >Yes, I've tried OS9 and love it! > >Lee Glenn >Software Engineer >Microware Systems Corp. Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that you seem to work at the company that manufactures OS9??? -Sho -- sho@physics.purdue.edu <<-- perhaps an "I may be biased but..." would have been in order. ------------------------------ Date: 13 Apr 90 22:19:38 GMT From: hub!ucsbuxa!6600raft@ucsd.edu (Michael Wise) Subject: One world, One CPU, One OS Message-ID: <4652@hub.UUCP> In article <1990Apr13.160323.3616@wam.umd.edu> dmb@wam.umd.edu (David M. Baggett) writes: >In article <93.26244db9@desire.wright.edu> demon@desire.wright.edu writes: >> What does Apple have to lose by liscensing the Mac OS to >>Commodore and Atari? I remember when it seemed like the Apple ][ line had the PC market about locked up until IBM came out with the PC. The main difference in courses of action IBM has taken in comparison to Apple is that IBM has provided the opportunity for clones, vastly incresing their "standard." One just has to think back to the days of Franklin Computer to see Apple's course of action which contunues today. If Apple were to license their OS to Commodore, Atari, or whoever, I don't think their sales would really lessen, but that overall demand for the Mac-OS would increase across the board, including demand for the Macintosh. When other MS-Dos machines emerged, sales of IBMs didn't drop through the floor, conversely, they have remained strong. I believe Apple has the reputation to insure that their sales would continue to be strong. Furthermore, a little more competition in the Mac-OS industry certainly couldn't hurt. -- ========================================================================= | Internet: 6600raft@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu | All opinions stated are mine.| | BITNET: 6600raft@UCSBUXA.BITNET | **Save The Earth** | ========================================================================= ------------------------------ Date: 20 Apr 90 01:06:42 GMT From: sage.cc.purdue.edu!ar4@purdue.edu (Piper Keairnes) Subject: One world, One CPU, One OS Message-ID: <4152@sage.cc.purdue.edu> consp11@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu (Brett Kessler) writes: > >Maybe Apple/Atari/Commodore wouldn't have much to lose, but the people who >buy these machines lose out on a lot. I have had my Amiga for a number of >years now, and I just wouldn't be happy with anything else. Each of the >different machines has their relative strong points - the Mac for DTP, the >Amiga for DTV, and the Atari for MIDI. If the Mac OS (or the AmigaDOS or the >ST's DOS) became the 'standard,' what about all the features that would be >lost from the other lines...? I think that instead of assuming that one system's OS would completely REPLACE the others we should attempt to support the advantages that all computers would be able to offer if the better parts of each OS were added to the whole. Each company has spent millions (even more, I'd imagine) on the development of their system software. Would not the entire computer industry be better off if those millions were "combined" into a single project?? Alas, if that were done, then the marvels of capitalism would have been abandoned ;) We definitely have a long way to go in the realm of cooperation... (myself included) ----- Piper Keairnes ar4@sage.cc.purdue.edu ------------------------------ Date: 19 Apr 90 18:48:30 GMT From: cs.utexas.edu!usc!snorkelwacker!ira.uka.de!fauern!tub!tubopal!alderaan@tut.cis. ohio-state.edu (Thomas Cervera) Subject: Severe Dcreate() bug in GEMDOS 0.23 Message-ID: <1401@opal.tubopal.UUCP> In article <2154@atari.UUCP> apratt@atari.UUCP (Allan Pratt) writes: >> Uhm. Maybe your C library does the Fsfirst ? > >Uhm. The capitalized "function calls" are actually direct OS calls, >with no library intervention. What you see is what GEMDOS saw, with no >interference from anything. Sorry, I'm a machine language programmer, no experience with the C nomen- clature :-) Uhm~2. My RAM TOS 1.0 (GEMDOS V0.21) also clobbers files with Dcreate () ! Also the ROM TOS 1.0 in all machines at FU Berlin's physics department. Am I hallucinating ?! PLEASE could anybody (outside Germany) try it on his ST ? If this problem is unique to our machines, this would be really strange ... -thomas -- Thomas Cervera | UUCP: alderaan@tubopal.UUCP SysMan RKOFBI (PDP/VAX)| ...!unido!tub!opal!alderaan (Europe) D-1000 Berlin 30 | ...!pyramid!tub!opal!alderaan (World) Motzstrasze 14 | BITNET: alderaan%tubopal@DB0TUI11.BITNET (saves $$$) ------------------------------ Date: 20 Apr 90 03:29:41 GMT From: fernwood!portal!cup.portal.com!buggs@apple.com (William Edward JuneJr) Subject: Zoo output to file (Was: Re: EPROM programmer wanted.) Message-ID: <29133@cup.portal.com> >How to instruct Arcgsh to write the output of Zoo to a file instead of >the screen: Click on "Filenames..." in the main Zoo dialog box, then >select a file as "Standard output". Thanks, now if it hasn't 'rolled off' the system here...... Ed June ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #463 *****************************************